My friends and I were out and about Little Italy for my birthday (September 12), and we stumbled upon this adorable girl working at La Dolce Vita, a classy corner bistro. Lisa Dworkin had positively the best outfit I've seen in awhile, so I asked to take her picture. She humbly obliged, and as I snapped some photos we talked about her clothes and why I'd decided to start a fashion blog. She was incredibly nice and I was extremely grateful for her cooperation! If you're reading this, Lisa, thank you! Maybe sometime I can do a spotlight-interview?
All in all, it was a good birthday day. Thanks again, Lisa!
Lisa's outfit
Skirt: American Apparel candy striped skirt (which I saw when we went into their Coventry store!)
Cardigan: The Limited
Top: thrifted nighttime button-down
Shoes: Aldo
Necklace: J. Crew