When deciding what to wear, on almost any day, thoughts go through my head.
what are other people going to say?
are white skinny jeans really all that cute?
hmmm...do I really want to wear that?
Is this too extreme?
and the list goes on. But today was a different day. today only one thing went through my head.
I am going to wear this, whatever.
perhaps this had something to do with the fact that I woke up with a stomach ache today at 6:00 and then walked to a play at a local arts center, and come home to fall asleep during my cherished hour of Ellen.
maybe I'm just a little tired today.
Also I wold also like to keep you updated on my blossoming radish plant. I bought this is the dollar isle at target.
"Hanna should i really buy this dumb radish thingy?"
"Yea, I'll buy one too, it will be fun."
"these things never work though"
"its only a dollar we will each buy two, who cares?"
so i bought this radish plant and a "cone-flower plant" and my radish plant is almost 2 inches tall. only one more inch till I have to transfer it to another pot. That will be interesting.