rainy days

It was a rainy week at camp but hey it was worth it...somehow. Funny story: there is a new family camping with us this week and they had just moved to Ohio from Canada, so their children have heard things like, "don't cry, or the tears will freeze to your face," and "you have 3 minutes to get out of your car to another warm place before you get frostbite." So when our camp director said, "It doesn't rain at camp," he meant it never rains in our hearts. But these two girls took it seriously, and when it started to thunderstorm at 5:30 in the morning one sat up in her bed and said to her mom "he said it doesn't rain here!" But seriously camp is a lot of fun, people come from all over Ohio, and some farther (Georgia and Maryland). But anyways I have a total of 45 bug bites and you probably won't be seeing much of my legs anytime soon just because I wont be able to shave until they all disappear.
Although camp isn't a fashion show everyone still tries to dress up a little on the last day, hence my outfit (I apologize for the lighting in this picture). Also you are probably all wondering why this isn't a picture of Nora. Well Nora here forgot to mention that this is also my fashion blog. I'm Ann Marie, Nora's co-blogger. Soon I'll have my own sort of sign-off name, don't worry.
So let's get to my outfit:
color blocked dress, Wet Seal (20 dollars)
black leggings, Target (10 dollars)
pale pink flats, Urban Outfitters (10 dollars)
pink cardigan, (thrift store find) Banana Republic (4 dollars)
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